Life Experiences of Child Migrant Workers

In this lesson students analyze how life experiences shape character, using primary sources from the Boulder County Latino History Project’s primary sources library. The focus is on local Latino Migrant Children. This lesson is part of several designed to be used together or as stand-alone lessons. At the conclusion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

1. Identify at least three examples of how children of migrant workers’ life experiences helped shaped their character,
2. Rank order the life experiences’ impact based on how they would personally react to them,
3. Hypothesize the impact of each of these three life experiences on the child of a migrant worker today.

Download Lesson Plan: Word | PDF

The other lessons in this set are:

Agricultural Work of Latinos: Sugar Beet Farming Word | PDF

History and Causes of Early 20th Century Local Latino Immigration Word | PDF

Created By: Travis Whitcomb, Mead Middle School